Importance of Earthworms

Earthworms are one of nature’s top “soil scientists”. The main uses of Earthworms in soil are:

  • Fragmentation
  • Aeration and Soil aggregation
  • The breakdown of organic matter in soil
  • Release of nutrients
  • Secretion of plant growth hormones
  • Carbon dynamics
  • Microbial production
  • Phosphorous dynamics
  • Increase water infiltration

The use of earthworms is plenty however, their population in soil reduces primarily by heavy tillage operations, intensification especially over stocking, use of chemical fertilizers.

How to promote growth of earthworms:

Earthworms do not flourish in soil that is too acidic, alkaline, dry, wet, hot or cold. Their presence can be attributed to a good indicator of soil conditions suitable for plant growth.

  1. Ensure soil pH above 4.5 Earthworms doesn’t survive in acid soils. The increase in lime raises pH which adds calcium. They need a continuous supply of calcium to work with the soil for aeration.
  2. Increase organic matter– Earthworms feed on soil, dead or decaying plant remains, including straw, leaf litter and dead roots. Use organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer. Earth’s Honey is the best organic fertilizer in Ontario in Canada. Earthworms helps in mixing the organic fertilizer and organic matter with the soil and make the carbon more accessible to decomposition by soil microbes.
  3. Maintain Soil Moisture Worms can lose 20% of their body weight each day in mucus and castings, so they need moisture to stay alive. Soil cover can reduce moisture evaporation. Also, we can use the dried plant leaves around the soil to keep moisture at good level.
  4. Reduce Soil Compaction – It is not so easy for earthworms to move through highly compact soil so, keep vehicle or others which causes soil compaction to minimum in wet conditions.

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